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For a thousand years the Church has sent students to universities. The Third Education Revolution will get universities to send students to the church. Professors will also come to Church on line. Academic Pastors will mentor each student. A global network of scholars will create a new knowledge ecosystem that reintegrates Veritas and Virtue with information, skills, and problem-solving aptitude. Europes first education revolution began during the Carolingian Renaissance (8th and 9th century AD). The Church educated the clergy to "minister" to God both in the Church and the state. Thats why prime "ministers" continue to serve many nationseven if they no longer minister to God. Martin Luthers Open Letter to the Christian Nobility of German Nation (1520) began the second revolution. The Church educated every person to serve God as "priest and king." That democratized knowledge and governance. Now, the secularized version of that education has become incapable of helping students find the meaning of their existence and build character.